You can pay your bills and handle your banking online. Setup your current bank account in QuickBooks, and you're ready to pay your bills without licking envelopes, sticking stamps, or printing paper checks. Just write checks in QuickBooks as you normally would, then click a button and your participating bank does the rest! Pay anyone in the U.S. from your credit card companies to your pizza service. Online banking also lets you download your monthly statement from your participating bank directly into QuickBooks for easier reconciliation.
Although QuickBooks is designed for the layman to understand, the initial setup and installation must be done correctly for future information to be accurate.
All information necessary to setup manual accounting records is also necessary to setup and install QuickBooks on your desktop. This task is even more complicated if you switch from manual accounting operations to QuickBooks in the middle of the year.
Which accounting method will you use? What chart of accounts do you need for your business? How do you handle beginning balances?
An expert can easily answer all these questions and complete the initial setup and Installation in a timely manner. In addition, your accounting employees receive training on the accounting software to enhance their performance.
We first want to find out a little more about your business and your accounting records before we quote you an exact price. Rest assured that we work with many small business owners and our rates are designed to fit the budgets of our clients.
As with any accounting software program, installation and training take time - time taken away from managing your business.
Once QuickBooks is set up and working properly, we can train you or your employees to properly operate QuickBooks specifically for your business.
Why choose one-on-one attention instead of taking a class?
Call today to set up an appointment. We will come to your location!!
Never Hesitate to Ask a Question!
QuickBooks users are generally not stumped by the software, they are stumped by the accounting information necessary to complete the transactions. Quick access to correct information is essential to maintain the accuracy of your financial records.
Employees in your accounting department will find comfort in knowing an expert in QuickBooks is only an email or phone-call away. Email and telephone support prevents many wasted hours of aggravation and embarrassment.
How much does it cost? $20 per question.
Questions may be called in, left on voice mail, faxed, or sent via email. A Certified Professional Advisor who specializes in working with QuickBooks will respond with a detailed solution to your problem or question, usually within 24 hours.
100% Money Back Guarantee: If we cannot adequately resolve your problem or question, your money will be refunded 100%, guaranteed.
QuickAnswers keeps your employees on task. Call us to learn more.
Overhaul your accounting system with a QuickBooks Tune-up.
Whether you need to prepare for tax time, a financial review or you just need to clean up some problem areas, you'll be prepared with a QuickBooks Tune-up. In four (4) hours, a QuickBooks Professional Advisor will help you clean up and organize your bookkeeping system.
Tune-up Topics:
A QuickBooks Tune-up is a smart and affordable way to get a handle on your books. Accurate records allow you to make educated decisions for your business and will save you money!
Call us a tell us you’re interested in the QuickBooks Tune-up service.
Contact us for details and savings on the right QuickBooks product for you and your business.
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